Annual Inventory Reports

Dry Bean Stocks Report

September 20, 2019

Commercial elevators in Michigan held 1,782,085 hundredweight (cwt.) of dry beans in storage as of August 31, 2019, according to Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD). The quantity on hand included 657,000 cwt. of navy beans; 967,000 cwt. of black beans; 103,000 cwt. of small red beans; and 55,000 cwt. of all other classes. Stocks account for all beans in commercial off-farm storage and include a small portion of non-Michigan grown products. An estimate of the quantity of dry beans held on farms is not included in this report.

This is the 16th issue in a series of Dry Bean Stocks reports sent at the request of the Michigan Bean Commission and the Michigan Bean Shippers Association. Beginning in August of 2006, MDARD’s Producer Security Services Section assumed the responsibility for issuing these annual reports, so data for intervening years is not available. August 31 will be the reference date for tabulation and publishing henceforth.

Dry bean stocks are not included in the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board system of grain stocks reports. Dry bean stocks data included in this report were tabulated from administrative reports supplied monthly by elevator operators to MDARD. If there are any questions, please contact Jeff Haarer, Producer Security Services Section Manager, at 517-284-5642 or

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