
Michigan Agriculture Leaders Say “Thank You” to Congressman Dan Kildee

CONTACT: Chuck Lippstreu, Michigan Agri-Business Association 

LANSING, Mich. (Nov. 16, 2023) – Leaders of Michigan agricultural and agribusiness organizations today thanked Congressman Dan Kildee for his service to Michigan’s farmers, agribusinesses and rural communities. The agriculture industry leaders recognized Congressman Kildee following the Congressman’s announcement that he will not seek a new term in the U.S. House of Representatives.

“Congressman Kildee is a steadfast, dependable leader for Michigan who has never failed to amplify the voices of agriculture and rural communities in the halls of Congress,” said Chuck Lippstreu, President of the Michigan Agri-Business Association (MABA). “Congressman Kildee is known throughout Michigan’s agriculture industry as a thoughtful leader who listens, acts and achieves results for farmers, rural businesses and small towns. His efforts have played a direct role in fueling success and opportunity for Michigan and U.S. agriculture, and today we thank him for his service.”

“While Congressman Kildee did not come from an agricultural background, he quickly learned its importance to our state and positioned himself as a leader for Michigan agriculture,” said Michigan Farm Bureau President Carl Bednarski, a Tuscola County farmer. “His leadership has not only impacted the sugarbeet and dry bean industries, but also commodities outside his district including tart cherries, blueberries and other specialty crops, as he championed agricultural labor issues and fair trade as a member of the prestigious House Ways and Means Committee. We applaud Congressman Kildee and his team for their dedication and look forward to working with them in the remainder of his term in service to Michigan agriculture.”

“Congressman Kildee has been a tireless advocate for Michigan agriculture and the sugar industry throughout his career in public service,” said John Boothroyd, Director of Government Relations at Michigan Sugar Company. “He has gained a well-deserved reputation for thoughtful leadership and is well respected on both sides of the aisle. Michigan Sugar Company cannot thank him enough for his years of service working to ensure that our country has a safe, reliable, and abundant food supply. We wish the Congressman our best as he concludes his time in Washington, D.C.”

“Michigan dry bean farmers have always valued Congressman Kildee’s open door and listening ear,” said Joe Cramer, Executive Director of the Michigan Bean Commission. “Congressman Kildee has demonstrated time and again his attention to agriculture, advocating for policies to help dry bean and specialty crop farmers, and even making it possible for Michigan Agriculture to be represented at a State of the Union address. Congressman Kildee has been a true friend and advocate for agriculture.”

“Congressman Kildee has a long history of standing up for Michigan farmers and Michigan agriculture,” said Jim Zook, Executive Director of the Michigan Corn Growers Association. “His leadership, knowledge, and willingness to put in the hard work to get results will be sorely missed. On behalf of Michigan’s corn farmers, MCGA thanks Congressman Kildee for his many years of service to our state.”

“As a lender working with farmers and rural businesses statewide, GreenStone Farm Credit Services has seen firsthand Congressman Dan Kildee’s commitment to the success of Michigan agriculture,” said Travis Jones, President and CEO of GreenStone Farm Credit Services. “Since Day One, Congressman Kildee has listened to farmers and businesses. He has taken our industry’s concerns back to Washington and worked hard to deliver solutions. Congressman Kildee’s leadership has benefited our entire industry over the years, and we say ‘thank you’ for his service.”

“Congressman Kildee has provided years of valuable support for Michigan’s vegetable industry, including our nation’s heart of pickle production within his district,” said Greg Bird, Executive Director of the Michigan Vegetable Council. “We appreciate Congressman Kildee’s partnership and support for agriculture during his service in Congress.”

“The Michigan Soybean Association would like to thank Congressman Kildee for his service to the people of Michigan over the last ten years,” said Heather Feuerstein, President of the Michigan Soybean Association. “MSA appreciates his willingness to listen to the agriculture community and advocate for Michigan soybean farmers on important issues. His willingness to work in a collaborative, bipartisan manner has helped advance Michigan agriculture.”

“Dan Kildee has been a strong advocate for the pork industry in Michigan and beyond,” said Mary Kelpinski, CEO of the Michigan Pork Producers Association. “His support of the Beagle Brigade Bill, that provides ongoing funding for the training of dog and handler teams at international airports, is crucial to protecting against the introduction of a foreign animal disease. He understands agriculture and the impact that legislature can have on our industry. Michigan Pork Producers Association would like to thank Dan for his willingness to listen to our concerns and support legislation that protects producers’ livelihood.”

“We appreciate all the work that Rep. Kildee has done in support of Michigan’s dairy farmers,” said Doug Chapin, Board Chairman of the Michigan Milk Producers Association. “He has been a strong voice for fair and equitable ag trade policy, and other issues impacting the dairy industry. We thank him for his leadership and service to the dairy industry.”

“Congressman Kildee’s attention to detail, especially when it comes to international trade issues, has been invaluable for our industry,” said Kelly Turner, Executive Director of Potato Growers of Michigan, Inc. “Michigan’s potato farm families have benefited greatly from Congressman Kildee’s leadership in Washington, and he will be greatly missed when he concludes his service in the House.”

“Michigan’s asparagus growers thank Congressman Kildee for his service and wish him well,” said Jamie Clover Adams, CEO of the Michigan Asparagus Association. “We always appreciated his willingness to listen and his interest in making Michigan a better place for all her citizens.”

“Congressman Kildee understands the important role of wheat production for his district and across the entire state, and we have appreciated his willingness to stand up for farmers,” said Jody Pollok-Newsom, Executive Director of the Michigan Wheat Program. “Michigan’s wheat farmers want to thank Congressman Kildee for his support of our industry and his dedication to the success of American agriculture.”

“Having worked with Congressman Kildee throughout his tenure of public service, I saw firsthand how he values Michigan agriculture and stands up for all those growing the industry,” said Jim Byrum, Former President of MABA. “Congressman Kildee has been an especially strong voice for Michigan’s specialty crop industry, and a staunch advocate for the sugarbeet and dry bean industries. His leadership will be missed by all in Michigan agriculture when he leaves the U.S. House.”
