Donation supports State of Michigan’s effort to replenish food banks statewide
LANSING –Michigan’s dry edible bean industry and the Food Bank Council of Michigan today announced Michigan dry bean farmers, processors and shippers are joining forces to donate seven tons of dry beans for distribution to food banks across the state.
“Dry beans are a nutrient-rich, versatile offering for the families we serve every day at food banks throughout Michigan,” said Kath Clark, director of food programs for the Food Bank Council of Michigan. “At a time when food banks are experiencing unprecedented demand, we appreciate the generosity of Michigan’s dry bean industry in helping get this nutritious product to those in need.”
The beans were delivered to the Food Bank Council of Michigan’s seven food bank partners in 7,000 two-pound packages for ease of distribution to families.
The donation is made possible through support of the Michigan Bean Commission, which represents more than 1,100 Michigan dry bean growers, and the Michigan Bean Shippers, an organization of companies engaged in processing, selling and shipping Michigan-grown beans across the globe. The beans were packaged by Howard City-based Carlson-Arbogast Farm and Pigeon-based Cooperative Elevator Co.
Michigan is known throughout the world as a top producer of a wide range of dry edible bean varieties, and the benefits of beans for food banks are clear: Beans are easy to prepare, provide an excellent source of protein and fiber, along with a variety of nutrients including potassium, iron, thiamin, folic acid and beyond.
The donation supports the State of Michigan’s COVID-19 Response and Recovery Initiative to generate food and monetary donations in support of food assistance during the COVID-19 emergency. More information about that effort is available here.

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